Pope Francis holds a private meeting with the clergy and consecrated religious of Singapore

Be united and close to the people

 Be united and close to the people  ING-037
13 September 2024

On the final day of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Journey to Singapore, Friday, 13 September, the Holy Father met with the bishops, priests, and religious men and women serving in the country.

The roughly 20-minute encounter was held privately at the Saint Francis Xavier Retreat Centre. The Pope mentioned some characteristic traits of priests, who should be “among the people, united with God, brothers among themselves, and united with the bishop”.

Speaking to women religious, Pope Francis encouraged them to remember their identity. “Do not forget to express the motherhood of the Church”, he said.

Finally, just before giving the group his Apostolic Blessing and taking a group photo, he urged everyone to “keep smiling”.

The President of the Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei was also present at the meeting.